Saturday, May 7, 2016

How can i aprove my adsense account for blog/youtub? step 1

Each and every man in the world needs to monetize their precious time with the help of different resources either offline, online. If we tell about making money online then not a one person deny the fact that Google AdSense program is one of the good resource for making handsome money from your Websites, Blogs, Mobile sites, YouTube Videos,Games,  and site search results etc.

Did you know? It was June 17, 2003 when Google launched advertising monetization program called  Google AdSense which has now grown to include over two million publishers (including me) who make more than seven billion from AdSense in the year, 2012 alone.

However, Indian AdSense Publishers will now get their AdSense earnings directly into their bank account through EFT payment method which has newly enough to them with effect from March, 2015.

Now a days, come to the point that how to get Google Adsense Approval 4 your Blog / Website. Well! This is one of the freely asked questions by our readers that why their application get refuse for Google AdSense.

Here is the extract of mail get from  by applicant for the subject – “Your AdSense application status”:-

“Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application and we’re unable to accept you into AdSense at this time.”


If someone is already earning from YouTube videos, they may get email like this:-

“Thank you for your interest in expanding your Google AdSense account to implement ad code on your own website. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we’re unable to approve this application for the time being. Your existing AdSense account that allows you to show ads on partner sites is not affected by this disapproval.”
Most of the common reasons or issues for disapproval are:

  webSite does not comply with Google policies
    Site does not comply with the Google AdSense program policies
    Insufficient content (as explained in later/content para)
    Site does not adhere to the Webmaster Quality guidelines

If you are1 of those applicants whose AdSense applicant has been refused again or again then please ask from yourself only one question:-

Why Should Someone visit your Site First?

I am sure you will get your answer and you will get your approved AdSense account thereafter. The good news is that now you will be able to immediate access to your AdSense account once you sign up. That means your website should provide a significant value to the users and it must give them a reason to find it first when searching for topics covered by your website.
How to participate in Google AdSense Program

Generally, there are some basic requirement for eligibility to participate in AdSense online program system which has been briefly discussed hereunder:
A) Google Account:

I know that most of you have already Gmail account and if you haven’t then please create a Google account necessary to sign in to AdSense. All information regarding acceptance, , payments ,rejection etc. in relation to AdSense will be mailed to your Gmail account via Google AdSense Team.

You should altime be careful while providing your personal details at the same time of creating a new Google Account. This is because if you will provide wrong information like Age, Full Name and Address etc. then your application might be refused by AdSense team.
B) Age Requirement:

In accordance with the AdSense Terms , Conditions, applicants must be at least eighteen years of age. Thus, if you aren't 18 years old then you willn't to be able to participate in Google AdSense irrespective of satisfying all other requirements

In that case there is a simple trick that you might provide your parents / guardian name instead of yours at the time of making application (see the procedure below) while signing up for AdSense Program.

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